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10."The great game to come" (18)


"The essence of my work is the game which is also, generally
speaking, the essence of art. I'd rather be considered a game artist
than a Political Pop artist. Because I'm a game artist, I can face
life with ease and assume a free view of history and culture. I don't
have a sense of responsibility towards history. This doesn't mean
that I don't care about history, simply that I can't be responsible
for it." (Feng Mengbo) (19)

"Knotenmutter hilf uns !

Die Spieler (mindestens zwei, besser mehr) fassen sich an den
Haenden, so dass eine geschlossene Kette entsteht, und verknoten sich
daraufhin vollstaendig, ohne sich loszulassen. Die Knotenmutter kommt
jetzt hinzu und versucht, den Knoten zu entwirren, ohne die Haende zu
loesen." (Carsten Hoeller) (20)

"Psychogeographical Game of the Week

Depending on what you are after, choose an area, a more or less
populous city, a more or less lively street. Build a house. Furnish
it. Make the most of its decoration and surroundings. Choose the
season and the time. Gather together the right people, the best
records and drinks. Lighting and conversation must of course be
appropriate, along with the weather and your memories.

If your calculations are correct, you should find the outcome
satisfying. (Please inform the editors of the results.)"
(Unattributed) (21)